White Rose, Black Forest

White Rose, Black Forest



This is a story about an American spy and a Germany nurse who’s paths cross during the WWII.

A German girl who was formerly part of the White Rose movement and disillusioned with the Nazi regime finds an American spy who had parachuted into the country and, unfortunately, had broke both of  his legs. The story is about building trust. They both need each other in order to survive.

Hornet Flight

Hornet Flight


Hornet Flight is a fast-paced WWII thriller that centers on the adventures of Harald Olufson, an industrious, self-sacrificing Danish youth of eighteen, a classic Scandinavian blond with an ingrained love of tinkering with engines and getting things to work. It is this particular characteristic that drives the story forward. Harald is about to undertake a serious mission for the Allies that will have serious repercussions for the war effort. Harald must deliver sensitive photos of an ultra-secret German radar tower located on the Jutland Peninsula to England by flying a dusty, broken-down old Hornet Moth biplane across the North Sea. And all without flying lessons. Along the way, we meet many interesting, well-developed characters such as Reverend Olufson, his stern Evangelical Lutheran father, Peter Fleming, the fascist and frustrated police detective, and Hermia Mount, the courageous MI6 operative who is also in love with Harald’s brother.


Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans: The Battle That Shaped America’s Destiny

This book will be out on October 24, 2017. It will be auto-delivered to your Kindle.

Brian Kilmeade is a gifted writer. He comes off as the funny guy on FOX and Friends but in reality he is very intelligent and knowledgeable about our history. His latest book is about The War of 1812 and Major General Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee. I can’t wait for the book to come out.